猎月:曼谷十月事变(2001) /14 tula, songkram prachachon

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:10
年份: 2001  / 地区: 泰国 
类型:剧情 战争  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:7.1分
演员:帕努.苏万诺 品盘.赞特
语言:泰语  / 片长:107

猎月:曼谷十月事变是一部剧情,战争片,班迪特-裹泰克导演的《猎月--曼谷的十月风暴》独辟蹊径,选择了很少为人所知的泰国70年代左翼学生运动和泰国共产党武装斗争的历史题材。影片通过泰国70年代的学生运动领袖谢克善的个人命运,对东南亚地区的革命和意识形态斗争的悲剧性历史,作了大气磅礴的历史反省和人性剖析。   谢克善在曼谷70年代学生运动失败后,带着爱妻进入泰国边境山区加入了泰共游击队。但很快泰共内部的意识形态左倾作风和宗派斗争使他对革命产生失望,最后离开了泰共根据地,带着历史宿命的伤感返回曼谷。这部影片填补了泰共和学生运动的历史表达空白。艺术手法极其简练深刻,在思想性上,几乎很难让人相信这是一部出自商业文化泛滥的泰国导演之手的电影,并令人耳目一新地展示了泰国电影的左翼精神。

The Moonhunter tells a true story of two young Thai revolutionaries. Seksan Prasertkul, a fearless student leader, who, in October 1973, commanded the biggest mass demonstration in modern Thai history. The event led to a popular uprising that toppled the military dictatorship and restored democracy. His life and that of his girlfriend, Chiranan Pitpreecha-a campus queen- took a drastic turn when they were caught in the wave of political violence, stirred up by remnants of the old ruling elite who still bid for the return of dictatorial rule. After the assassinations of many fellow activists, the two decided to join the illegal armed movement, led by the Communist Party of Thailand, fighting guerilla-style in the forests of Thailand. Seksan's dreams of redressing his country's grievances, however, were quickly shattered, for he found that his strain of idealism was not really shared by the party's old Guard.


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