天下笨贼(2001) /The Humanist / 以人为本

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:04
年份: 2001  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:6.2分
语言:韩语  / 片长:106

天下笨贼是一部喜剧片,天下笨贼讲述的是高级将领儿子Mathieu是一个典型的二世祖,挥霍无度。他有绘画的天份,但却无处发挥。他儿时的两个朋友Ukraina和Amoeba都是靠着Mathieu的钱来维系其友情。   Ukraina是一个充满仇恨的人,而Amoeba则因为早年的脑伤而导致失去了智力。一晚Mathieu跟他的朋友们喝酒,喝得酩酊大醉。当开车时 却被警察拦住,警察要以酒后驾驶的罪名控告他们。三人便把警察绑在车门后逃跑。当那个警察被救下来时,却因头撞倒路边的垃圾箱而当场死亡。   目睹警察死亡的同僚Bae故意放走Mathieu等三人,并在几天后致电他们要求他们交出两亿美元。Mathieu求自己的父亲给钱但被拒,苦无办法之下,最后竟决定绑架自己的父亲以索取金钱,并与两个朋友策划阴谋。

Te-o begins life as a lonely son of a high-ranking officer. He buys his friends with money and ice cream. Eventually two of these boys, the orphans Euglena and Amoeba, become real friends. Years later, Te-o abandons his overseas education and returns home. He finds Euglena making a living as an artist the hulking Amoeba had suffered a head injury which has arrested his mental development. After drinking, the three friends are stopped by a police officer. The police officer is accidently killed by a garbage dumpster and, even though the Te-o, Euglena, and Amoeba are innocent, the policeman's partner demands that they pay 20 million dollars in return for their freedom. From there is becomes a comedy of kidnapping, corruption, and chaos.

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