在你出嫁之前(2009) /步向红毯之前 / 十年前说我愿意

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:33
年份: 2009  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:6.3分 / IMDB:6.2分
导演:Paul Fox
演员:David Sutcliffe,Jennifer Westf
语言:英语  / 片长:

在你出嫁之前是一部剧情,爱情片,乔治(杰夫·罗普 Jeff Roop 饰)和简(瑞根·帕斯特南克 Reagan Pasternak 饰)即将携手步入婚姻的殿堂,然而,就在两人订婚的这个节骨眼上,简的婚姻恐惧症发作了,临阵脱逃,做了一回落跑新娘。原来,十年前,简同样也即将和当时的男友结婚,可是在婚礼当天,简震惊的发现自己的未婚夫竟然背叛了自己,这件事情在简的心里留下了深深的阴影,就此,简听闻结婚便如临大敌。   对于简的现状,乔治虽然焦急但也无可奈何,一次偶然中,乔治发现自己穿越回了10年前,也就是简遭到背叛的那一年,乔治决定通过自己的努力改变过去,来赢得简的信任和爱。

George Murray's fiancée Jane Gardner gets cold feet after accepting his ring, terrorized by her first wedding with Doug, who cheated that very day with their wedding coordinator. After a car crash, George finds himself 10 years in the past, just days before Doug's day. And before he and his colleague-friend Harvey Blinton are to be cheated out of a brilliant career in advertising by sleaze-bag Jack Harrington. However, every change to the past starts a whole series, not necessarily for the better.
