东京狗(2009) 東京DOGS/东京癫狗(港)

更新:2024-05-26 08:05:51
年份: 2009  / 地区: 日本  
类型:剧情 喜剧 动作 犯罪  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:7.5分
语言:日语  / 片长:

东京狗是一部剧情,喜剧,动作,犯罪片,夜晚的纽约,当地警方联手日本警察正在秘密追踪一起跨国毒品犯罪活动。作为纽约警方这次行动负责人的是日本籍刑警高仓奏(小栗旬 饰),与来自日本警视厅的刑警工藤丸尾(水岛宏 饰)共同合作,最终案件未能捕获组织头目,但在现场发现了一位失忆的日本女性松永由岐(吉高由里子 饰),奏认为由岐是案件的关键人物,因此将其带回日本保护起来。   不久,奏调职到日本警视厅,和丸尾组成搭档继续追查。二人性格南辕北辙,一个冷静严肃,一个油嘴滑舌,起初互相不满各自的行事风格。而被保护起来的由岐也烦闷不已,失忆的她偶有片段闪过大脑,但仍然回忆不起关键事情。奏极其关心案件进展除了警察的身份还有他同为警察的父亲的死与案件头目有关。而他所掌握的关于组织的事只有那个神秘的蜜蜂图章,究竟案件会走向何方,事情的真相又是什么……

Takakura So witnessed his father's murder at a young age. Pledging to catch the killer, he grows up to become an elite cop in New York City, where the criminal lives. His character is cool-headed and disciplined, yet adapts well. Because of major drug dealings, he gets sent to Tokyo to conduct a joint investigation with the Japanese police. There, he gets teamed up with, Kudo Maruo, a detective from a special investigative division. Kudo is a hot-blooded fighting expert due to his earlier days as a delinquent, but he makes a strong impression with his stylish appearance and is always interested in going on group dates. His personality, interests, and investigation methods are completely mismatched with Takakura's, but the two somehow work together to crack the case they've been given.

一句话评论:华丽的dogs——东京dogs2。将抽和腐的完美结合进行到底。因为是这样的你。。过家家也能上瘾。木哈哈 大笑三声 好久没看过这么过瘾的日剧了哟喂。利落短发修长美腿,还有那性感的枪套,从此萌上小栗旬。最悪で最高のパートナー。难得很冷感。我被深深地招惹了!!!。萌到不能够呀呀呀呀。

Tokyo DOGS (1280x720 XviD)