转角遇到爱(2007)/Corner With Love

更新:2024-05-26 10:05:58
年份: 2007  / 地区: 中国大陆  
类型:爱情  / 豆瓣:6.6分 / IMDB:6.1分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

转角遇到爱是一部爱情片,俞心蕾(徐熙媛 饰)原是一个生长在富裕家庭的上海姑娘,她有公主般的生活,才貌双全,有一个疼爱她的未婚夫尚东,她把一切事情都想得理所当然,但家中生意面临困境,她的景况也改变了。   她必须回到台湾独自生活,她再次遇到了在上海认识的秦朗(罗志祥 饰)。秦朗对插画有浓厚兴趣,但到大陆谈出版生意时被骗取了所有钱财,因为他在上海打工的时候结识了心蕾。再次重逢后,当秦朗知道了心蕾的状况后,两人成为了好友。心蕾打算落脚的地方竟然是秦朗的房子,由于无法拿出房契证明,心蕾只好暂住秦朗的家,心蕾倍感寄人篱下。   为了生计,心蕾不得不开始工作,期间受到了很多的委屈。心蕾把新认识的富家子孔彦祥作为了依靠的对象。秦朗渐渐对心蕾产生了感情,而往日的未婚夫尚东也找到了心蕾。秦朗只好将自己的感情藏于心底……

Xin Lei, a girl from a wealthy family, and Qin Lang, a guy who came to Shanghai to pursue his dream of becoming an artist, meet by accident at a corner when her car and his bike crash into each other. They meet again when Xin Lei goes to the restaurant that Qin Lang works at. They truly get to know each other when Xin Lei asks him to teach her how to make oyster pancakes. Then, Xin Lei's parents' company goes bankrupt. Without telling her, Xin Lei's parents go into hiding, leaving only a plane ticket and a key to their house in Taiwan. To make matters worse, Xin Lei's fiance breaks the engagement, due to his parents' wishes. The only two people she has now are Qin Lang and her best friend Xi Xian. Qin Lang then tells her that he is leaving for Taiwan, so they bade farewell. When Xin Lei arrives in Taiwan, she finds out that Qin Lang's family has been living in the house for years. After much controversy, Qin Lang's grandmother finally lets her stay. Thus begins a magical love story.


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【480p标清中文字幕】转角遇到爱迅雷下载.2007.5.92gb.torrent 5.92GB
DVD版 5.65GB
_HDzone_Corner_Love_1_23 3.20GB
Corner With Love - Drama - English Subs 4.64GB