穿白丝绸的女人(2006) The white silk dress/白丝裙 / Ao lua ha dong

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:21
年份: 2006  / 地区: 越南 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:7.5分
语言:越南语   法语   粤语   英语  / 片长:142

穿白丝绸的女人是一部剧情片,驼背仔(郭庆饰)是总督府里的仆人,丹(张玉英饰)是卑微的女佣。但作为下人的他们在困苦的环境中相恋。战乱四起,驼背仔带着丹还仅有的嫁衣白丝衫一起逃往南方,那是作为弃婴的驼背仔被发现时仅有的值钱东西。   越南划分南北而治,两人在南方定居,女儿也一个接着一个出生。家中境况糟糕,甚至没办法给读六年级的女儿买统一的白衣服。丹在无奈下只得去卖奶赚取微薄收入,此举引发丈夫的怒火。之后丹只得含泪将嫁衣剪裁成衣服让她们姐妹俩轮流穿去学校。然而,越战向南蔓延,他们一家人将遭遇什么更大的危难……

The love story of Dan (a beautiful young woman) and Gu (a humpback), servants from two separate households in Ha Dong, Vietnam who have suffered most of their lives at the hands of their cruel masters. The couple flee south soon after Gu presents Dan with a wedding gift - the precious white silk dress his mother had owned (his one valuable possession), while he promises her a proper marriage someday in the future. The couple arrive in the seaside town of Hoi An and build a new life, with Dan ultimately giving birth to 4 daughters. Despite struggling through immense poverty and hardships, the family is happy and fulfilled as long as they have each other, but the horrors of the encroaching war brings tragedy and threatens to tear them apart.

