我最好的朋友(2006) Mon meilleur ami/My Best Friend

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:19
年份: 2006  / 地区: 法国 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:7.7分 / IMDB:6.7分
演员:丹尼尔·奥特伊,丹尼·伯恩,朱莉·加耶,Julie Dura
语言:法语  / 片长:90

我最好的朋友是一部喜剧片,古董商弗朗西斯(丹尼尔·奥特尤尔饰)为人刻板,只有在买卖时才能燃起热情。同事凯瑟琳(朱莉·盖特饰)尖刻地认为,他没有真正的朋友。而其他人也赞同此观点,认为他自私,傲慢。弗朗西斯完全不能接受,并与凯瑟琳打赌——如果他在十天之内不能把自己的最好的朋友介绍给凯瑟琳,就把高价买下的希腊古董输给她。   在几天的寻找中,弗朗西斯遇到了为人和蔼可亲却同样孤独的出租车司机布鲁诺(丹尼·伯恩饰),并劝说布鲁诺扮演他的好朋友。然而,短短的几天相处,却让弗朗西斯重新认识了友谊的真谛。

François is a middle-aged antique dealer. He has a stylish apartment and a fabulous life, but at a dinner with a group he considers his dearest acquaintances, he is blindsided by the revelation that none of them actually likes him. He's arrogant, self-centered and harsh, and they don't believe he knows the meaning of friendship. His business partner Catherine makes him a bet: if he can produce his best friend, she will let him keep the massive Greek vase he acquired that afternoon on the company tab. If not, it's hers. Having accepted the wager, François naively tears through his address book, trying to shoehorn an increasingly unlikely series of contacts into the all-important role. Moving through Paris, he keeps encountering a trivia-spouting, big-hearted cabbie named Bruno. Bruno's chatty, lowbrow ways grate against François's designer temperament, but he covets the other man's easy way with people. He convinces Bruno to teach him how to make friends and sets about learning the "three S's" - being sociable, smiling and sincere - though they don't come easy. Ultimately, François victory will depend on Bruno's naiveté in playing along, but what's the cost of cheating at friendship?

一句话评论:Tame - 驯服。朋友之能与不能。純真的友情是沒有階級之分的, 這部電影正正道出這個道理。不多说,至少让我有了最近一次的感同深受。如何交朋友?我们并不擅长。三点。最后,谁陪在你身边。。还好。慎用“朋友”。best friend...who?。
