网球王子(2006) テニスの王子様/网球王子真人电影版 / The Prince of Tennis

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:04
年份: 2006  / 地区: 日本 
类型:动作  / 豆瓣:6.4分 / IMDB:6.3分
语言:日语  / 片长:111

网球王子是一部动作片,在美国长大的网球天才少年越前龙马(本乡奏多 饰)被父亲召唤回到了日本,进入到网球名校青春学园。起初,并不把学园前辈放在眼里的龙马也在轮番接触后了解到青春学园网球部的厉害。他们的成员包括了队长手冢国光(城田优 饰)、副队长大石秀一郎(铃木裕树 饰)、腹黑的不二周助(相叶弘树 饰)、元气满满的菊丸英二(足立理 饰)、数据控乾贞治(荒木宏文 饰)、热血的河村隆(小谷嘉一 饰)、龙马的好朋友桃城武(加治将树 饰)以及桃城的死对头海堂熏(鲸井康介 饰)。   各具特色的前辈给龙马带来不一样的冲击,包括对友谊、团队的认知。和手冢交锋的失败让龙马受挫,意志消沉。在不佳的精神状态中,迎来了关东大会。青学的首个对手就是实力强劲的冰帝。经过一番死斗之后迎来了龙马出战的大高潮,究竟结果会是什么,龙马能否从阴影中走出,重拾自我……

Twelve year old Ryoma Echizen is the tennis prodigy from America who has the personal history of winning 4 successive victories at the American Junior Tennis tournaments. His father, Nanjiroh Echizen, a tennis player of legendary status, recalls Ryoma back to Japan to attend the distinguished school of Seishun Academy Middle School. Ryoma, a first year, has his eyes set on being on the regulars team of the tennis club, which the school is famous for. The members of the Seigaku regulars team include Kunimitsu Tezuka, the captain of the tennis club, whose ranking is that on the National's level. The vice-captain, Syuichirou Oishi, who has a calm and rational sense of playing sense, compliments the acrobatic plays of his double's partner, Eiji Kikumaru; making them the Golden Pair. Third year, Shusuke Fuji, a formidable player, is known for his tactical skill on the tennis courts. Then there's Sadaharu Inui, whose tennis style relies on what he calls, "data tennis" and Takashi Kawamura whose personality instantly changes when he grabs his tennis racket. While second years Takeshi Momoshiro, known for his power plays and Kaoru Kaido, whose perseverance is daunting, round off the Seigaku regulars team. Ryoma arrives in time for the monthly campus ranking tournament, but at first, due to his young age and his cool attitude, some club members do not take him seriously; however, during the ranking tournament, Ryoma is quick to prove his skill and become the only first year on the regulars team, just in time for the regional preliminary rounds. Then, there's the lone girl who watches Ryoma from the audience. Her name is Shioin Higaki, whose parents had died in accident. She is mute due to traumatic shock of her past. She first meets Ryoma when he helps her on the train from loud group of High School boys. While in a crucial match against Fudomine Middle School during the regionals, Ryoma injures his eye by accident, but his determination to finish the match helps bring victory to Seigaku as they can advance to the Kanto conference as regional champions.

