东欧风情画(2005) Lost and Found/失而复得

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:31
年份: 2005  / 地区: 波黑 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:6.2分
语言:Bulgarian   Estonian   匈牙利语   罗马尼亚语   Serbian  / 片长:99

"Lost and Found" is a film project for which six young filmmakers from Central and Eastern Europe have each developed a short film on the theme of "generation". Together, these six short films make a whole cinema evening. Unique thereby is the selection of young directors, who are currently among the most talented in the Central and Eastern European region. Also special is that five of the short films (four short narrative films and one short documentary) are visually framed by an independent animation story. The filmmakers made their films with local producers in their home countries; post-production was carried out in Germany. The theme "generation" is the thread running through the whole film. It mirrors a new self-understanding of young filmmakers in Central and Eastern Europe. Traditions and national history are viewed in a new way and cinematically narrated. The concept of generation was not intended to neutralize the differences between the countries, but to create a fascinating frame for comparison. The stories were written in accordance with this thematic guideline especially for this project.
