更新:2019-05-10 12:05:24
年份: 2005  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:6.5分 / IMDB:1分
语言:普通话 国语  / 片长:

我们结婚吧是一部剧情,爱情片,因演出偶像剧“爱情合约”而迅速走红绰号便当的男明星刘雨鸣(贺军翔 饰演)继日前不顾经纪公司反对传出决定闪电结婚的消息后在结婚现场更是冲突连连事件不断除了影迷因便当结婚而在教堂前引发激烈肢体冲突外后来大家却发现结果是───女方逃婚了…… 便当在慌乱之中和他的的化妆助理─小晴(刘喆莹 饰演)一个想要逃婚的女人 两人在紧要关头经过变装之后暂时摆脱了媒体的无情追击。   被媒体追到无家可归的便当以及他的死忠助理米粉(莎莎 饰演)两人因为无路可走在小晴的介绍下躲进了一个奇异的地方“逃生舱”这里的人全部是想逃离自己人生逃避日本债务的Poki(北村丰晴 饰演)、逃家小鬼吻仔鱼(纳豆 饰演)、还有逃生舱老板船头(夏靖庭 饰演)于是奇妙的一群人在这边开始了一段关于逃与被逃的爱情故事......

After his sudden rise to stardom, the actor Liu Yu Ming, nicknamed Bian Dang (Lunch Box), overruled his agency's objections and decided to get married. When the news spread, chaos reigned. His fans were very upset about his impending wedding and fights broke out outside the church. Then, they found out - the bride was a no-show. In the ensuing chaos, Bian Dang and his makeup artist, Xiao Qing, put on disguises and sneaked past the paparazzi. The aggressive paparazzi forced Bian Dang to go into hiding. With no home to go back to, Xiao Qing introduced him to a strange place called "The Escape Pod." Everyone there wanted to run away from their old lives. There was Poki who tried to escape his debt in Japan, Wen Zi Yu (Fish) who was running away from home, and there was the owner of The Escape Pod, Chuan Tou (The Captain). In this place, they began a magical love story of running away from and being ran away from.

