20公分我变身(2005) 20 centímetros/20厘米

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:04
年份: 2005  / 地区: 法国  
类型:喜剧 歌舞  / 豆瓣:7.1分 / IMDB:6.6分
导演:Ramón Salazar
语言:英语   西班牙语   法语  / 片长:112

20公分我变身是一部喜剧,歌舞片,男儿身女儿心,那令一般男人高兴都来不及的20公分长,对 Marieta 来说简直就是人生最大讽刺。为彻底变成真女人,Marieta 决意透过变性手术,把身上那20公分的“多余物资”切除,令自己再“身无长物”。本想努力工作赚钱的她,却因频繁猝睡而连番被炒,无奈下化身马路天使。   芳心爱漫游的睡美人,在梦中总会化身成为音乐剧女主角,又或者像麦当娜的 True Blue 或 Queens 的 I Want to Break Free 般大唱大跳。睡公主在街市巧遇粗犷搬运工,不能自拔,上演一出《哭泣的游戏》。只是猛男不但不嫌 Marieta“多此一举”,而且更爱极那20公分带来的享乐,令 Marieta 踏入了人生交叉点。变性人的血泪心声,在奔放的妖姣娇媚中尽情展现……

Colloquially-told story of a few days in the life of Marieta, who's saving money for the last operation in her change from man to woman. She works as a prostitute in Madrid and longs for a legitimate job. Whenever she builds up her savings, her housemate and best friend Tomás finds ways to spend, lose, or cost her those funds. She meets Raúl, whom she likes and who likes her; the trouble is he also likes that part of her she wants removed. If that's not enough, she also has narcolepsy, and when she conks out, she dreams of musical-theater numbers in which she's the singing and dancing star. Are these dreams always going to be 20 centimeters out of reach?

一句话评论:这只是个20公分的小问题!。天赋异禀v.s多余赘肉。Shemale都是鸡?。I Want to Break Free。
