深海(2005)/Blue Cha Cha

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:48
年份: 2005  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.0分 / IMDB:6.8分
语言:汉语普通话   闽南语  / 片长:108

深海是一部剧情,爱情片,由郑文堂执导,苏慧伦、陆奕静、戴立忍、李威等人演出的“深海Blue Cha Cha”,说着一个简单却动人心弦的故事。小玉(苏慧伦饰)服了7年的牢刑出狱后,到高雄旗津投靠前狱友安姐(陆弈静饰),从酒店的工作到工厂生产线女工的两个工作中,陆续遇到了两个男人都深深的伤害了患有忧郁症的小玉。   原先从海报中苏慧伦和陆弈静站在堤防上对着大海喊叫的画面,以为“Blue Cha Cha”的蓝是淡蓝色的,而跳起了恰恰就会带来愉快。   没想到电影却一歩一歩被苏慧伦的忧郁症所笼罩,随着2次恋情的铺陈,观众的心也跟着沉入了无助的深海,只有跳恰恰成为其中唯一的纾解。一直到电影的最后,从海上来了一个神秘的自闭症少年,才让生命得到了救赎的曙光。

Just coming out of the jail, depressed and close-hearted, Ah Yu met two men with different characters from each other. One is a businessman, charming and mature; the other is a young supervisor in a factory with a promising future. But these two loves are short-lived, fading away like bubbles on the beach. With a wounded soul, she went back to the cottage owned by Sister An, a friend from jail. An treats her like a sister, embracing her tortured soul. When they are unhappy, they dance on the pier. Their dancing steps swing like small boats in the harbor, driving away all the depression. Someday, a puppet show was performed on the pier. They saw a fisherman, Lao-Yao, playing a puppet. Through Lao-Yao who suffers from autism, Ah Yu found herself tangled in a feeling as deep as the ocean.

一句话评论:到底是女人太痴心,还是男人太无情。看见她 然后 我看见我自己。上浮。治疗抑郁症的偏方。那些一直在寻找的爱的证明。那一段blue cha cha的身姿。Blue Cha Cha。深海。Slow dancing in a burning room.。人生如戏,要放轻松。
