风吹柳树静(2005) بید مجنون/垂柳 / Beed-e majnoon / The Willow Tree

更新:2019-05-10 12:05:04
年份: 2005  / 地区: 伊朗 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:7.5分
演员:Parviz Parastui,罗亚·泰摩瑞安,Afarin
语言:波斯语  / 片长:96

风吹柳树静是一部剧情片,幼年时,在一场烟火大会上,一颗滚烫的烟花掉入了尤瑟夫(Parvis Parastui 饰)的眼中,导致他视网膜受伤,失去了视力。就这样,尤瑟夫漫长的下半辈子都笼罩在黑暗之中。然而,坚强的尤瑟夫却并没有自暴自弃,他努力读书不懈深造,最终凭借着自己的实力成为了一名德高望重的大学教授,不仅如此,他还收获了爱情,迎娶了美丽的妻子罗亚(Roya Taymourian 饰)。   近日里,欧瑟夫被告知患上了无法治愈的绝症,在就医的过程中,医生告诉尤瑟夫他的患病纯属虚惊一场,不仅如此,他失明的双眼也能够得到治愈,重见光明。一场手术让尤瑟夫重新从黑暗走向了令人目不暇接的繁华世界,可是,接下来发生的一切让他不禁开始怀疑,他的重见光明是否真的是一件好事。

Blind since childhood, Youssef has a devoted wife, loving daughter, and successful university career, but his affliction fills him with secret torment. As if in answer to his prayers, a clinic restores his sight- a miracle that is double-edged. Although this new world of sight and color floods him with ecstacy- the breathtaking images seen through his reawakened eyes include a dazzling vista of snow-blanketed hills, a shower of molten gold sparks in a jewlery foundry, an array of lollipop lights behind a rain-speckled car window- it also plunges him into a labyrinth of confusion and temptations. A pretty student begins to enclipse his previously invisible wife; he silently watches a subway pickpoket, who fixes him with a look of withering complicity. Eager to claim the lost life he feels he is owed but unable to take the next step, Youssef is inflamed with possibility and paralyzed with egoism. A resonant metaphor for life's second chances and a powerful parable of sigh and insight, The Willow Tree's vivid imagery and emotional immediacy makes this Majid Majidi's most mature and ambitious film to date.

一句话评论:何处是柳林。奇迹发生以后。为什么有人说这电影做作。风吹柳树静:假如给你三天光明。A tale of two movies。
