更新:2019-05-10 12:05:08
年份: 2004  / 地区: 法国 
类型:喜剧 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.8分 / IMDB:6.0分
导演:Marc Rivière
演员:Michèle Bernier,Alexis Michali
语言:法语  / 片长:96

高级美容院是一部喜剧,爱情片,四十多岁的单亲母亲玛蒂尔达(Michèle Bernier 米歇尔·伯尼尔 饰)原本是一间高级美容院的发型师,但是也难逃被解雇的命运。处于失业低谷的玛蒂尔达一天在路上不小心撞到了一辆大房车,更不巧的是这辆房车正在被送往新买家的路上。玛蒂尔达眼见修理费用高昂,就所幸就横刀夺爱买下了房车。借助自己作为发型师的本领,玛蒂尔达将房车改装成了一个流动理发屋,每天走街串巷也并非不怡然自得。但是刚刚起步的时候一切都是困难的,邻里的眼光让她感到心寒,而儿子的鄙夷更让她一度一蹶不振。但是生性乐观的玛蒂尔达并没有中途放弃,反而将生意向那些平时少有人关注的族群发展。渐渐地,玛蒂尔达从这些平时毫不起眼的人身上发现了人性的光辉,而她自己也终于迎来了期待已久的爱情。玛蒂尔达通过努力与积极的精神将自己的生命经营成了一座真正的高级美容院。

Martine, a housewife who lives alone with her son Silvio, a student in political sciences whom she still supports financially, goes through serious money problems. Far from being deterred, she decides to bounce back. With this in mind she buys an old truck and transforms it into an itinerant hair salon, which will serve (it is her choice) a poor neighborhood. Martine endures a difficult start but little by little people, all more or less colorful, come to the salon and become not only customers but true friends as well . But there are also the 'unhappy few' who resent the 'intruder'.

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