毛脚女婿(2004) Seres queridos/Seres queridos / Only Human / 女友這一家

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:05
年份: 2004  / 地区: 西班牙  
类型:喜剧 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.4分 / IMDB:6.9分
导演:Dominic Harari
演员:吉列尔莫·托莱多,Marián Aguilera,María
语言:西班牙语   希伯来语   阿拉伯语   英语  / 片长:93

毛脚女婿是一部喜剧,爱情片,Leni回到家中,首次把她的未婚夫Rafi介绍给她的犹太家人。他们包括母亲Gloria,男女关系复杂的妹妹Tania,Tania乖戾的8岁的女儿Paula ,最近正统的兄弟David及失明的爷爷Dudu。在这对恋人无意间泄漏了Rafi是巴基斯坦人之前,原本一切都进行的相当顺利。这个消息让未来的岳母心神不宁,为了博得他们的欢心,Rafi极力在厨房帮忙,可万万没想到的是,这却让事情变的更加糟糕。他意外的将冰冻的汤掉到了7楼窗户外,并砸到一过路人。Rafi偷偷摸摸的跑到楼下,检查尸首并拾回汤,看着遇难者,他冲上楼,不知所措。当他再次返回厨房时,他注意到家庭合影中Leni的父亲,其呈现的样子与外面躺着的尸体非常相似...

Leni takes Rafi to meet her family in Madrid. Leni's family is Jewish - mother, father, older sister and daughter, brother, and grandfather. Rafi is Palestinian, in Spain since age 12. Before her father returns from work, Leni reveals Rafi's origins. He accidentally drops a block of frozen soup out the flat window, probably killing a passerby. Leni initiates a cover-up and Rafi figures out the body is probably Leni's father. The body disappears and without telling the rest of the family what they know, Leni and Rafi organize a search for dad. Mom is sure he's having an affair. Leni's belly-dancing sister kisses Rafi. Her brother grabs a rifle to shoot the Arab. Can anything be put right?

