刁蛮公主(2006)/The Mischievous Princess / 디아오만공주

更新:2024-05-26 11:05:45
年份: 2006  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:喜剧 爱情 古装  / 豆瓣:6.8分 / IMDB:6.3分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

刁蛮公主是一部喜剧,爱情,古装片,本是养在深闺中的前朝公主司徒静(张娜拉 饰)最大的爱好却是女扮男装,化身为龙少侠,在江湖中行侠仗义,也因此结识了一帮各行各业的朋友,人送外号“小龙虾”;身在朝中的年轻皇帝朱允(苏有朋 饰)虽然少年英雄,但无奈外有三藩势力庞大虎视眈眈,内有舅舅一手遮天,朱允没有施展拳脚的余地。因此,虽处庙堂之高,但心系江湖之远,他时不时微服私行,一方面是考察民情,一方面也是感受自由的气息。   小龙虾和朱允就在江湖上相遇了,同时误打误撞进来的还有准驸马白云飞(吕行 饰)。三个人可谓不打不相识。于是一场场动人心魄的故事伴随着阴谋、亲情、爱情而展开……

The title character of this engaging historical drama is the high-spirited daughter of a General, advisor to the Emperor. Si Tu Jing frequently dresses as a man and wanders about the capital, where everyone knows her as Xiao Long Xia (Little Lobster). Although she and her friends often get into brawls and concoct shady money-making schemes, they use all of their earnings to help refugees struggling to survive in the city. Young Emperor Zhu Yun also likes to slip out of the palace incognito. Intelligent, witty and skilled in martial arts, he is concerned with stabilizing the kingdom and has great compassion for the plight of his subjects. Observing Xiao Long Xia's gang as they stage one of their scams, Zhu Yun realizes their good intentions and begins to admire Xiao Long Xia. Bai Yun Fei, the son of the Duke of Yunnan, arrives in the capital to conclude an arranged marriage to the Emperor's sister, and is mistakenly robbed by Xiao Long Xia's friends. A confrontation among these three protagonists ends in a pledge of brotherhood, with each of them unaware of the others' true identities. Political machinations within and outside the palace erupt to test this bond, while the revelation that Xiao Long Xia is really a woman stirs passionate emotions in both men. Adding to these complications is the return of the volatile Princess An Ning, whose betrothal to Bai Yun Fei takes a very rocky course due to her fiancé's infatuation with his "third sister." Si Tu Jing, on the other hand, is unaware that she is actually a princess of the previous dynasty, with a fanatic group of supporters planning a rebellion to restore her kingdom. Intrigue, romance, family honor, betrayal, and tests of loyalty and friendship all play a role as the plot weaves to its climax, in which Zhu Yun, Si Tu Jing, and Bai Yun Fei must risk everything to save their lives and the kingdom.

一句话评论:可怜的公主。看得真爽!!。只有配音值得吐槽……。朱允 司徒剑南分别是什么样的兄长存在。每个年龄段喜欢的东西不一样。恨不相逢少年时——为《刁蛮公主》正名。曾经的饥不择食。亡国公主的爱情。为娜拉叹惋。这才是童年。
