95陀枪女警(1995)/The Armed Policewoman

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:58
年份: 1995  / 地区: 中国香港 
类型:动作  / 豆瓣:6.2分 / IMDB:4.4分
语言:粤语  / 片长:90

95陀枪女警是一部动作片,做文职女警是丽(吴家丽)一向的理想,皆因她是位不修篇幅,绝对师奶形的女人,她只担心街市行情,至于罪恶数字则好少理。一日,惊闻警方要求女警也得佩枪出更,丽顿起辞职念头,但经过一轮家庭会议后,一向对老公唯命是从的丽,最后只好硬着头皮加入训练营。   训练课异常刻苦,玲(周嘉玲)是表现最突出的一位,深受教官龙(张耀扬)赞赏。训练完毕,丽、玲恰被配成一对,但二人经常发生龃龉。而警方为剿灭黑社会头子达(吴孟达),最后派丽作卧底,以律师身份混入贩罪集团搜集证据。当丽获得重要证据交给警方时,达亦查得她的真正身份,欲置她于死地,正当危急之际……

Hoping to stem Hong Kong's exploding crime rate, the police decide to issue guns to select number of female officers. Soon bumbling veteran Madam Chu (Carrie Ng) and young eager beaver rookie Ling (Valerie Chow) are assigned as partners. On their first day on the job together, they happen upon a massive arms cache belonging to notorious gangster Law Man-tat (Ng Man-tat). Soon afterwards, Chu's husband and son are murdered by mo bland thugs. Looking for revenge, she goes undercover as a crime world lawyer, winning Law's trust. Yet when she tries to transfer some incriminating evidence onto a computer disc, she gets caught red handed. Chu is beaten and strapped to a bomb, while her abductors demand $10 million ransom. Meanwhile, Ling who fell for rakish detective Ng (Roy Cheung) is working on her own way to free Chu and get the baddies.

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