最高荣誉(2002) Someone Was Watching/

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:09
年份: 2002  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 悬疑 家庭  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:6.0分
导演:Mark Goodman
演员:Jonathan Rudy,Chanise McClure
语言:英语  / 片长:

最高荣誉是一部剧情,悬疑,家庭片,懂事的克里斯(乔纳森·鲁迪 Jonathan Rudy 饰)经常会帮助父母照看自己的妹妹茉莉(Chanise McClure 饰),哪知道这一天,克里斯实在是太累了,竟然在照顾茉莉的时候睡着了,当他醒来之时,茉莉已经消失的无影无踪。大人们推断,茉莉应该是掉进了附近的河里,因为水流过于湍急,她被冲走了,因此生不见人死不见尸。   父母虽然心碎欲绝,但也没有过多的责怪克里斯,只是克里斯一直都无法原谅自己。某日,在和好友帕特(本·沃森 Ben Watson 饰)一起观看茉莉失踪当天的录像带时,克里斯发现了一辆被他们忽略的冰淇淋车。冰淇淋车的主人是一对夫妇,克里斯开始怀疑是这对夫妇拐走了茉莉。

When Chris falls asleep whilst supposed to be watching his little sister, Molly, she goes missing. Finding her colouring book by the river, everyone believes she drowned there and try and move on with their life. But when Chris and his best friend, Pat watch over a tape of the day she went missing some things just don't match up and Chris believes his sister was kidnapped and is still alive. Chris and Pat go on an adventure to New Mexico to prove to everyone that Molly is really still alive.


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