迷人的男子(2002) Der er en yndig mand/This Charming Man

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:41
年份: 2002  / 地区: 丹麦 
类型:喜剧 短片  / 豆瓣:6.9分 / IMDB:7.0分
导演:Martin Strange-Hansen
语言:丹麦语  / 片长:30

迷人的男子是一部喜剧,短片片,正当壮年的会计员拉斯•汉森(Martin Buch 饰)丢掉了工作,他的求职之路并不顺利,无奈之下暂时栖身于以前工作过的印刷所,而将档案挂在了求职中心。因为某个误会,拉斯的资料和一个名叫艾尔•汉斯的中东移民搞混,他必须按照安排参加丹麦语课程。   正当他四处咨询时,发现以前的女同学伊达(Camilla Bendix 饰)在课程中心教授丹麦语,不久后更得知因为艾尔的缺席,伊达可能会失去这份工作。已经迷上伊达的拉斯乔装打扮,走入了丹麦语课程班……   本片获2003年奥斯卡最佳真人短片奖。

Lars Hansen is in a job training program. He finds a potential job at a print shop, but his paperwork gets mixed up with an El Hassan. He is scheduled for a Danish class, since he's apparently an immigrant, but is unable to get the mixup fixed. When he learns that the new (and attractive) teacher, Ida, will have the class canceled and lose her job if El Hassan doesn't show up, he dyes his hair and puts on a false moustache to pose as El Hassan. He tries wooing her as Lars, but when she learns El Hassan might lose a job at the print shop to Lars, she won't have anything more to do with him. So instead, he befriends her as El Hassan. And that's just a few of the mixups.

