神经性失明(2002) Hysterical Blindness/疯狂的盲目 / 歇斯底里的盲目

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:08
年份: 2002  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.1分 / IMDB:6.5分
语言:英语  / 片长:99

神经性失明是一部剧情片,兩位要好的朋友Debbie和Beth,他們都已逼近30,仍是單身,因此都十分惶恐的急著追求真愛。但似乎找錯了地方,她們每天晚上都窩在Ollie’s這間兩人最常來的酒吧,希望找到Mr. Right。同樣是藍領階級,Debbie較有主見,而Beth是位單親媽媽,限制了她在追求愛情上的選擇。Debbie的母親Virginia也有她個人的困擾,她對正與自己交往的喪偶男士間的關係感到懷疑。當這些女人主動積極的追求愛情,到頭來卻發現這只是一場褪色的夢時,她們必須走過過去的”瘋狂的盲目”,學會以重新的態度來看待自己。

In this bittersweet slice of working class single New Jersey life, best friends Debby and Beth (both pushing thirty) go looking for love in the wrong place - namely their favorite bar, Oliver's. Rugged contractor Rick eyes Beth but ends up going home with the more assertive Debby. Beth's style is further cramped by the responsibilities of single motherhood. As Debby tries to parlay what was essentially a casual fling into possible marriage with an indifferent Rick, her mother Virginia wonders if her affair with widower Nick is the real thing. Rounding out the romantic possibilities is Bobby, the bartender who flirts with Beth. The women clash as plans go awry, tragedy strikes, and hearts get broken. In the end, Debby, Beth, and Virginia find, if not the relationships of their dreams, peace with each other and within themselves.

一句话评论:我来说几句。let‘s be a complete person first.。
