圣诞舞鞋(2002) The Christmas Shoes/珍贵的礼物

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:50
年份: 2002  / 地区: 美国  
类型:剧情 家庭 儿童  / 豆瓣:8.2分 / IMDB:6.9分
导演:Andy Wolk
演员:Rob Lowe,Kimberly Williams
语言:英语  / 片长:

圣诞舞鞋是一部剧情,家庭,儿童片,罗伯特是一位律师,整天忙于工作,忽略了妻子凯特和女儿莉莉。为了买更大的房子,他甚至劝妻子外出工作,而凯特则担心无法照顾女儿,和罗伯特发生了矛盾。      莉莉所在合唱团的老师玛吉患上了病毒性心肌炎,必须立即做心脏移植手术,而提供心脏的男孩突然染上了肝炎,玛吉失去了生存的最后希望。      儿子内森知道后非常伤心,决定攒钱为酷爱跳舞的妈妈买一双漂亮的舞鞋作为圣诞礼物。圣诞前夜,内森来到商店,口袋中却没有足够的钱。正在为女儿买礼物的罗伯特慷慨解囊,实现了心中愿望的内森异常兴奋,而罗伯特也突然意识到家人的重要性……

Two separate stories mesh - in the first, a young music teacher, Maggie Andrews, begins dying of a heart condition and her son Nathan tries to get a pair of Christmas shoes for her before she dies. In the second, lawyer Robert Layton and his wife Kate are slowly drifting apart and the matter comes to a head during Christmas when Kate takes over for Maggie for the school choir and declines a job in Robert's firm. When Robert's mother passes away, he begins to reconsider things and his and Nathan's paths cross on Christmas Eve as Nathan tries to raise the money for the shoes and Robert tries to get a present for his daughter.

一句话评论:那种温暖不再来。。生命的课程。The christmas shoes。The most beautiful shoes for you to wear to heaven。
