冤家成双对 第三季(2002) Coupling/冤家对对碰 第三季 / 欢喜冤家 第三季 / 靠谱恋爱 第三季

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:40
年份: 2002  / 地区: 英国 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:9.5分 / IMDB:8.7分
导演:Martin Dennis
演员:杰克·达文波特,吉娜·贝尔曼,莎拉·亚历山大,Kate Is
语言:英语  / 片长:
冤家成双对 第三季剧情介绍

Now Steve and Susan have broken up, he has nightmares, willing to give up a lot and beg to get her back. The boys try to comfort him and contemplate weird paths of thought about phoning, sex and lust. Susan won't even admit it to herself but she is just as miserable. Sally nearly convinced Susan to call him, but that doesn't work out. Steve got Jeff to call in his place to see if Susan called him, but the idiot doesn't use his cellphone. In times of despair, each group turns to its temple: the boys to a strip-club, where Jeff remembers pole-dancer Jenny Turbot as a former schoolmate, for drinks and fun; the girls to a beauty parlor, to bag on man- and realize life is even worse without them. Back home drunk after midnight, Steve calls Susan.

一句话评论:giggle loop。S3E2, Jeff says sth about ass.。第三季最后两集喜欢的对白。to Sally and Patrick :你是我的蜘蛛人。成双对的少女心。

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