男女大不同(2002) Sorority Boys/Sorority Boys

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:37
年份: 2002  / 地区: 美国 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:6.3分 / IMDB:5.4分
导演:华莱士·沃勒达斯基 (Wallace Wolodarsky)
演员:麦克尔 罗森鲍姆 Michael Rosenbaum,巴里·
语言:英语  / 片长:93

男女大不同是一部喜剧片,戴维(巴里·沃森 Barry Watson 饰)、亚当(迈克尔·罗森巴姆 Michael Rosenbaum 饰)和杜夫(哈兰德·威廉姆斯 Harland Williams 饰)是三个整天游手好闲无所事事的年轻人,他们从来都不懂的何为尊重女性,只是将女性当成是玩物加以嘲笑和戏弄。因为花钱如流水,很快这三人就破产了,被学生公寓扫地出门。无处可去的三人只能打起了只有女生联谊组织的成员才能居住的女生宿舍的主意。   为了住进女生宿舍,三个人男扮女装,并给自己取了假名黛西、亚迪纳和罗贝塔。可等他们真的住进宿舍后才发现,这里的一切和他们想象中的是如此的不同。成为女生后,他们也遇到了前所未有的新问题。

After three rowdy guys get booted from their frat house, they dress up as women and pledge the "ugly girl" sorority, where they figure they'll blend right in. In their new environment, the men relinquish their frat mentality and realize how hurtful they have been to women over the years. When their less-than-stunning female forms earn them an invite to a "dog catcher" party at their old frat, they decide to brave the harassment so they can grab the rest of their belongings from the house and make a clean break.

一句话评论:青春校园喜剧模式。The worst Drama Queens。
