再见,小津老师(2001) さよなら、小津先生/

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:49
年份: 2001  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.6分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:日语  / 片长:

再见,小津老师是一部剧情片,在银行界叱吒风云的小津(田村正和)遭到公司背叛,被迫背下行贿的黑锅而招致牢狱之灾,出狱后妻子要求离婚,而打算东山再起的他根本不被银行界接受,女儿的一句:“你好像幽灵一样。”让他几乎崩溃。一夕间失去所有的小津,于是在友人的安排下,无奈地前往私立高中出任教职。      小津从原先的格格不入到最后的完全奉献,他改变了学校里的问题学生与问题老师,也改变了自己,他抛开了利己至上的原则,不再对周遭的人事物漠不关心,摆脱了行尸走肉般的生活,他不再像个幽灵。      这是一部赚人眼泪具有励志效果的剧集,编剧君冢良一。

It was after Ozu passed 50, that he met his first major challenge in life. While working as the branch manager of his bank in New York, Ozu was given an order to do some deals that went over and above the law. He was later caught for being involved in those dealings, and was arrested. After being released from prison, Ozu returned back to Japan to find that everything he worked for all his life had been lost: his job, his reputation, his family, and all of his possessions. All that he had left were expensive suits, and the label of being an ex-convict. Ozu gets hired on to be a temporary teacher at a private high school in Tokyo. There is a major problem though...he hates kids. Actually the problem is worse than that, he hates people. He has come to not be able to trust people anymore, so he doesn't even see them as people. Which pretty much makes teaching anything to anyone out of the question. To make things worse, the kids at the school have lost all of their ambition. This teacher can't teach children, and he can't be taught. This story is depicted with a comedic touch, as Ozu and the students go through some violent, yet funny times on the way to his learning some valuable lessons from them.


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