秘密投票(2001) رأی مخفی/暗票 / 无记名投票 / Void Votes / Raye makhfi / Secret Ballot

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:48
年份: 2001  / 地区: 伊朗  
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:7.1分 / IMDB:6.7分
演员:Nassim Abdi,Cyrus Abidi,Yousse
语言:波斯语  / 片长:100

秘密投票是一部喜剧片,用“大器晚成”来形容导演柏雅米可能有点误导(他2002年才 36岁)。1980年代末期负笈多伦多攻读电影,回国后一直没有拍片机会,蛰伏近十年才拍成首部作品,先后在东京和意大利都灵电影节夺奖,第二作《暗票》,在威尼斯轻取最佳导演奖。影片最难得的是用了最深入浅出的手法,直踩政治禁区:揭官僚、论民主。   驻守海边的士兵奉命在大选日接载政府派来的官员收集选票,没想到来人竟是个年青女子,而且活力和脚力十足,对每个选民采取紧迫钉人策略,誓要把选票拿到手,过程风趣感人、紧张浪漫,结局——无论剧情抑影像——更叫你目瞪口呆,把伊朗电影又带上另一层楼。 (第26届香港国际电影节)

A soldier stationed on a deserted beach wakes up and discovers that it's not going to be an ordinary day: there are the elections, but nobody seems to know anything about them. Just as an electoral urn is being parachuted from the sky, a young woman disembarks on the beach. To the soldier's bafflement, it turns out that she is in charge of the mobile electoral seat and voting on the islands; therefore the soldier is obliged to obey her orders and escort her with his rifle and army jeep across the desert, where the woman obstinately intends to collect the votes. During the day, stressed by a series of absurd events, the two learn to get to know each other. At sunset, when the young woman leaves, the man realizes that the secret vote contained much more than he had ever imagined.


无记名投票 (idx+sub 法语、中文、英语).rar
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