远看像朵花(2000) The Closer You Get/爱情大招募 / American Women

更新:2019-05-09 11:05:29
年份: 2000  / 地区: 英国  
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:6.4分
导演:Aileen Ritchie
演员:伊恩 哈特 Ian Hart,Sean McGinley,N
语言:英语  / 片长:93

远看像朵花是一部喜剧片,在爱尔兰一个小镇,每月电影会本来要播「十戒」,却误放了宝狄瑞克曲线毕露的「十全十美」,从此镇内的王老五就对美国美女著了迷,朝思暮想约会她们,最后甚至在美国登广告,引诱单身「美」女来镇参加他们的节日舞会。 正当这群王老五悉心打扮,以准备佳人到来,却不知道镇内一群女士不堪被冷落,决意给他们一个十分难忘的「教训」。

Irish lads send an ad to the Miami Herald inviting fit and enticing women, between the ages of 20 and 21, to live in their isolated Donegal village. The whole town knows about the ad, and it sharpens everyone's sense of the opportunities for happiness already at hand. Kate, a publican with a young daughter, is separating from her husband and catches the eye of a bachelor sheep farmer. Kieran the butcher realizes that his assistant Siobhan is comely, and then he discovers she's fiery as well. Ollie sends off for Dutch skin magazines that the village postmistress won't release to him. The men, and women, find counsel in their movie-loving priest. Will anyone answer the ad?

一句话评论:the closer you get。
