德州巡警 第一季(1993) Walker, Texas Ranger/得克萨斯巡警沃尔克 第一季

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:40
年份: 1993  / 地区: 美国 
类型:动作 犯罪 西部 冒险  / 豆瓣:7.4分 / IMDB:5.5分
导演:Virgil W. Vogel
语言:英语  / 片长:
德州巡警 第一季剧情介绍

Walker, a Texas ranger, believes in dealing with the bad guys the old fashioned way, by fighting them. He also works on instincts. Trivette is his partner. He was a former player for the Dallas Cowboys football team. Trivette uses the modern approach to crime solving, such as computers and cellular phones. C.D Parker owns a bar and grill which specializes in Western cuisine, and Country-Western themes. He gives Walker advice on some cases. Alex Cahill is the assistant district attorney.

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Walker Texas Ranger - Season 33.60 GB