弄臣(1982) Rigoletto/威尔第 歌剧电影《弄臣》

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:03
年份: 1982  / 地区: 西德 
类型:剧情 音乐  / 豆瓣:9.1分 / IMDB:7.9分
导演:Jean-Pierre Ponnelle
演员:Edita Gruberova,Ingvar Wixell,
语言:意大利语  / 片长:128

弄臣是一部剧情,音乐片,里戈莱托(卢奇亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂 Luciano Pavarotti 饰)天生矮小丑陋,是宫廷里博人一笑的弄臣。曼图亚公爵(Ingvar Wixell 饰)仗着自己生得英俊潇洒,四处侮辱玩弄女性,里戈莱托为了上位,整天在他身边为他出谋划策助纣为虐。久而久之,大家对于曼图亚公爵的恶行忍无可忍,决定设计报复。   这一次公爵看上的,是里戈莱托年轻纯洁的小女儿吉尔达(爱狄塔·格鲁贝罗娃 Edita Gruberova 饰),对此并不知情的里戈莱托亲手将自己的女儿送到了荒淫无度的公爵手中。当里戈莱托发现了真相后悲痛欲绝,决心杀死公爵为自己的女儿报仇,哪知道当他打开装有公爵尸体的麻袋后,发现里面的人竟然是吉尔达。

This summary contains the complete plot of the opera Rigoletto by Guiseppi Verdi. Rigoletto is a jester in the court of the Duke of Mantua. He has a hunch-back and he's rather unattractive, but he's good at his job of humiliating the courtiers for the amusement of the Duke. The courtiers, of course, are not amused. The Duke is a ladies man who feels his life would be meaningless if he couldn't chase every skirt he sees. In fact, we learn as the opera begins that he's recently been noticing a young lady every Sunday on her way to church, and he's vowed to have his way with her. What nobody realizes is that the girl is the jester's beloved daughter, Gilda, and that Gilda has seen the Duke every Sunday and is smitten with him. Suddenly Count Monterone appears at court, furious that the Duke has seduced his daughter. Rigoletto ridicules Monterone, the Duke laughs, and Monterone casts an awful curse on both of them. Later, the courtiers discover that Rigoletto is secretly living with Gilda, whom they believe to be his mistress. In an attempt to humiliate Rigoletto, they kidnap Gilda and deliver her to the Duke's bedroom, where she is quite willing to let him have his way with her. Rigoletto returns to the court and reveals to the courtiers' amusement that Gilda is his daughter. Consumed with the desire for revenge, Rigoletto contacts a murderous thief named Sparafucile (who just happens to have a beautiful sister named Maddalena), and he contracts with the two of them to lure the Duke to Sparafucile's tavern on the river where Sparafucile will murder the Duke. Knowing the Duke will find Maddalena irresistible, Rigoletto takes Gilda to stand outside the tavern so she can see for herself that the Duke is not a faithful lover. Gilda is crushed as she looks through the window to see the Duke wooing Maddalena, and at Rigoletto's urging she dons men's clothing so she can return home safely by herself. But she returns to the tavern to overhear Rigoletto and Sparafucile plotting to kill the Duke. Then, after Rigoletto leaves, she hears Maddalena pleading with Sparafucile not to kill the Duke, but instead to kill the first person who comes through the door and give that body to Rigoletto instead. Sparafucile objects that he is an honest thief and murderer, but Maddalena's entreaties win him over and he agrees to the plan. Gilda now realizes what she must do: she knocks on the door, enters the tavern and is stabbed (nearly) to death by Sparafucile. The thief then wraps her in a rug and drops her body through a trap door to Rigoletto, who is waiting in a boat below. Thinking he has won vengeance at last on the Duke, Rigoletto paddles onto the river to dispose of the body. Then he hears the Duke singing in the distance, opens the rug, and to his horror he discovers his almost-dead daughter. They sing a heartbreaking duet, Gilda dies, and the wretched Rigoletto wails that the curse has come to pass.


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Rigoletto - Giuseppe Verdi (1981) Luciano Pavarotti 1.19 GB
Rigoletto (1982) Luciano Pavarotti It (multisubs) 1.37 GB