世纪行过:张学良传(2000) 世紀行過:張學良傳/

更新:2021-08-26 01:08:39
年份: 2000  / 地区: 中国台湾 
类型:纪录片  / 豆瓣:9.2分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

世纪行过:张学良传是一部纪录片片,张学良一生饱受各种抨击,经历过亲师挚友在阵前成仇的往事,导致自己被终生软禁。张学良将在《世纪行过》节目中畅诉初衷,勾勒他这“引颈就戮”的大快人生……   第一集:白山黑水(少帅忆儿时东北、从「马贼」到「奉天王」的张作霖、与孙中山、师友郭松龄)   第二集:国难家仇(爱国狂、我是中国人、父亲之死、东北易帜、918的不抵抗、上海戒毒)   第三集:西安事变(反对内战、安内攘外之争、密会周恩来、华清池兵谏、感召金石负荆请罪、山居生涯、东北骨牌)   第四集:真自由(移送台湾、228事件、与蒋介石的骨肉仇雠、信基督-真自由、四弟张学思、横眉众指、燕雀鸿鹄)

Zhang Xueliang suffered all kinds of attacks all his life, experienced close teacher friend in the past into the enemy, resulting in his lifelong house arrest. Zhang Xueliang will be in the \"century line\" program chang v. original intention, outline his this \"neck kill\" big fast life...... Episode 1: White Mountains and Black Waters (Young Shuai recalls his childhood in Northeast China, from the \"horse thief\" to the \"King of Heaven\" Zhang Zuolin, and Sun Yat-sen, his teacher and friend Guo Songling) Episode 2: National Disaster and Family Feud (patriotic mania, I am Chinese, father's death, Northeast Changzhi, 918's non-resistance, Shanghai drug addiction) Episode 3: The Xi 'an Incident (against the Civil War, the hustle and hustle outside the war, secret meeting Zhou Enlai, Huaqing Chi remonastions, inspired jin Jing to plead guilty, mountain life, the Northeast poker) Episode 4: True Freedom (transfer to Taiwan, 228 Incident, Feud with Chiang Kai-shek, Faith in Christ - True Freedom, fourth brother Chang Xuesi, Fingers on the Cross, bird swan)


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