幕前幕后(1989) Speaking Parts/语言隔阂 / 念白部分

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:43
年份: 1989  / 地区: 加拿大 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.2分 / IMDB:6.8分
演员:Michael McManus,阿欣妮·哈尼安,加布里埃尔·
语言:英语  / 片长:93

幕前幕后是一部剧情片,一直以来,兰斯(麦克·麦克米兰 Michael McMillian 饰)的梦想都是成为一名演员,然而,现实和梦想之间的距离是遥远的,时至今日,兰斯都还只是一名默默无闻的宾馆服务员。丽萨(Arsinée Khanjian 饰)暗恋着容貌姣好的兰斯,然而后者却并不将她放在心上,这让丽萨感到十分痛苦。   在兰斯的眼里,女编剧克莱尔(加布丽·罗丝 Gabrielle Rose 饰)才是值得自己付出感情的所在,他在克莱尔的房间里留下了自己的照片,之后,兰斯如愿成为了克莱尔新剧本中的男主角。然而,克莱尔的剧本却遭到了导演的肆意篡改,愤怒的克莱尔将希望寄托在了兰斯的身上,希望兰斯能够令导演回心转意,还自己的剧本一个原貌。

A struggling actor's job as a hotel custodian is a front for his real job: being rented out as a gigolo by his supervisor. A co-worker is obsessed with him, but he ignores and avoids her. He leaves his acting resume in the hotel room of a screenwriter, who is casting for a TV movie based on the true story of her deceased brother. She hires him to play the lead and the two begin an affair. She becomes increasingly distraught as it becomes evident that the movie's producer is changing her story. Egoyan's trademark tangle of bizarre relationships surrounds the protagonists on their way to a mind-blowing conclusion. A hypnotic, fascinating film.

