幻术大师 第一季(1997) Jonathan Creek/神探克里克 / 天才乔纳森 / 魔术师侦探

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:01
年份: 1997  / 地区: 英国 
类型:悬疑 犯罪  / 豆瓣:9.2分 / IMDB:8.2分
语言:英语  / 片长:
幻术大师 第一季剧情介绍

幻术大师 第一季是一部悬疑,犯罪片,英国不可能犯罪题材剧集《Jonathan Creek》截至2016年共播出了32集。该剧讲述了一位住在风车里的古怪的魔术设计师所破解的一系列不可能犯罪。这些案件中既有传统的密室杀人,也有外星人、神秘预言、魔鬼契约等具有超自然气息的谜团。

Madeline Magellan, an investigative journalist, is the kind of journalist that generally sticks her nose in where it isn't wanted. While writing a story about the murder of a famous Artist she happens across a quiet but brilliant man named Jonathan Creek. Jonathan makes a living inventing magical tricks for Adam Klaus. Adam is a very famous magician but it is Jonathan that is the real genius behind Adam's illusions. Madeline (Maddy) and Jonathan team up to solve the Artist murder and then (for Jonathan with some reluctance) again team up to solve near-impossible cases. Over the stories, we see that Maddy is in love with Jonathan but Jonathan, being a shy person, doesn't show if he knows about Maddy's feeling for him but he loves solving the tricky mysteries that Maddy brings for his mind to solve...

一句话评论:犬儒主义侦探和英式冷笑话。Jonathan creek- plot概要與短評 (全集包括SP,不泄底.新增2010Easter Sp)。幻术大师泄底,一二三四五季+六部SP全泄,慎入(全部泄底更新完毕)。随记。最推荐的不可能犯罪作品,没有之一(含字幕剧地址)。The Art of Magic。一至五季及SP不泄底全评。让本格迷老泪纵横的推理神剧。

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