我为我生存(SP)(1997) 僕が僕であるために/

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:54
年份: 1997  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.7分 / IMDB:8.4分
语言:日语  / 片长:

我为我生存(SP)是一部剧情,爱情片,《我为我生存》(仆が仆であるために)是1997年1月3日在富士电视台播放的正月电视特别篇。主演是SMAP。   故事开始于一场马拉松比赛。五个高中时代情同手足的朋友,代表学校参加,一棒接著一棒,最后成濑打著赤脚冲过了终点线,赢得了冠军。   六年后,悦郎一直希望疏远的五人能回覆 像当初念书时的友谊,但是大家各有发展:成濑为体育公司跑步,阿力专门骗街上的女孩去拍片,木下在念医学院,悦郎在金融公司跑外务,阿悟努力在找工作,五人都有不同的际遇,成濑和阿力甚至仇视著对方。   一直到悦郎意外身亡,伤心和痛苦的情绪,又系起了其他四人早已分散的心,真真正正的成为了永远的好友。

The members of SMAP play former high school classmates who were members of the Ekiden team six years ago. This drama depicts the changes in character over the past six years and the members future endeavors. Naruse (Nakai), Chikara or Riki (Kimura), Kinoshita (Inagaki), and Etsuro (Kusanagi) are all 24 years of age. Satoru (Katori) is 22 years old. Satoru was an ichinensei when the team won the prefectural Ekiden meet. After they graduated from high school they all went on their own separate paths. Naruse is a marathon runner for a sporting goods firm. After his senpai gets discharged due to an injury, Naruse also worries about his own future. Hirosue Ryoko plays Naruse's younger sister. Chikara works as a model scout. He is still not used to his work. Although he has been living with Natsumi (Tsuruta) for about three years, he still has many relationships with different women.

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