罗马童话(1996) Favola/王子在罗马的奇遇 / 现代童话

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:59
年份: 1996  / 地区: 意大利 
类型:喜剧 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.2分 / IMDB:3.7分
导演:Fabrizio De Angelis
演员:Ambra Angiolini,Ryan Krause,Ad
语言:意大利语  / 片长:87

罗马童话是一部喜剧,爱情片,阿方索(Ryan Krause 饰)是拥有着尊贵血统的王子,自幼过着衣食无忧荣华富贵的生活。然而,王宫里的种种繁文缛节令阿方索感到十分疲惫,处处受到限制的不自由的生活亦令阿方索陷入了忧郁之中。一天,阿方索和姑妈一起前往罗马游玩,半途中,阿方索偷偷的溜走了。   短暂的自由生活带给阿方索无尽的快乐,在此期间,他结识了名为特蕾莎(安布拉·安吉奥里尼 Ambra Angiolini 饰)女孩。美丽性感的特蕾莎一心想要成为一名在梯台上散发耀眼光芒的模特,被特蕾莎深深吸引的阿方索决定帮助她实现她的梦想。在王子的暗中帮助之下,特蕾莎一夜成名,然而,当她得知自己并非凭借实力而是受到了王子的照顾才取得成功后,特蕾莎勃然大怒。

Teresa lives with her family consisting of her grandfather, her mother and her little brother: She is a Roman young girl whose life, like all its peers, is composed of friends, and a job at a CDs store that allows to maintain her spending and her motor. One day, while working, is to serve the Prince Alfonso, heir to a tiny duchy that had escaped from a major event concerning the high office of his country. From that moment, the prince decides he wants to become a boy like all the others, tired of his life as a palace, he falls in love with Teresa which, however, says nothing of his true origins. After various adventures and scandals, the two will get married and Teresa will become princess, just like a modern fairy tale.


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