星际旅行:深空九号 第五季(1996) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/星际迷航:深空九站 第五季 / 星空奇遇记(港):银河前哨 第五季 / 星际争霸战(台):太空九号 第五季 / 星舰奇航记:九度空间 第五季 / 星舰迷航:深空九号 第五季

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:36
年份: 1996  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 科幻  / 豆瓣:9.2分 / IMDB:8.2分
导演:Kim Friedman,Jonathan West
语言:英语  / 片长:
星际旅行:深空九号 第五季剧情介绍

星际旅行:深空九号 第五季是一部剧情,科幻片,《深空九号》的设想萌发于1991年,就在吉恩·罗登伯里逝世之前不久。《深空九号》的故事发生在一座太空站深空九号上(前卡达西人采矿站“Terok Nor”),由星际联邦和贝久政府共同管理,而贝久星不久前才刚从卡达西人的殖民统治中解放。根据作者之一的伯曼介绍,他和皮勒本来设想的是以一个殖民地行星为故事背景,但是他们认为一个太空站可以吸引更多的观众,并节省更多用于外景和星球表面上拍摄的资金;与此同时,他们也十分不希望这个新电视剧是发生在星舰上的,因为当时《下一代》仍然在播放中。用伯曼的话说,就是“同时有两部电视剧——两组角色——都在朝着前人所未至的领域进军,看起来真有些荒谬可笑。”

The war between the Klingons and the Federation is rapidly progressing into a full scale conflict and Starfleet has decided that something must be done. Now that Odo has told Chancellor Gowron is a changeling, Sisko is ordered to infiltrate into the Klingon Empire and expose him. Sisko selects O'Brien, Worf and Odo as the people to go with him, there's only one problem. Odo is still having a great deal of trouble adjusting to his new life as a "solid". His work isn't fulfilling anymore and he's not interested in joining the mission. Sisko doesn't take no for an answer. Meanwhile, the plan is taking shape, with only one problem. Gowron moved his headquarters to Ty'Gokor, heavily fortified and located in a tachyon grid protected asteroid field deep in Klingon space. Gowron is also protected by the Yan-Isleth, his personal security force. Approaching the chancellor unnoticed seems impossible.

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