机动战士V高达(1993) 機動戦士Vガンダム/機動戦士Vガンダム / 胜利高达 / Mobile Suit V Gundam

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:49
年份: 1993  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 动画 战争  / 豆瓣:7.2分 / IMDB:7.4分
语言:日语  / 片长:

机动战士V高达是一部剧情,动画,战争片,宇宙世纪0153年,这个时候地球联邦已经名存实亡,统治衰颓腐朽,宇宙殖民地纷纷脱离控制,地球圈成为诸多军阀逐鹿的场所;建立于Side 2的新兴国家赞斯卡尔帝国开始对地球的侵略,联邦军根本无法阻挡,只有民间军事组织“神圣军事同盟”还在坚持抵抗。出于一个完全偶然的机会,少年胡索·艾文成为神圣军事同盟的驾驶员,被赋予了最新锐的机体,V高达……

The year is UC 0153. The conflict between the Earth Federation and Zeon is long over, and the majority of humanity has migrated to the space colonies. Even the Federation headquarters has been moved into space. Only a handful of humans still live on the planet. The Earth Federation has weakened, allowing the spaceborn Zanscare Empire to gain power. The fanatically religious Zanscare begins to conquer Earth, and the weak Federation is unable and even unwilling to do anything about it. Only the League Militaire, a resistance group mostly made up of the remaining Earthnoids, and its newest weapon - the Victory Gundam - stand in the way of the Zanscare Empire. Usso Ebbing, a 13-year old boy, takes the controls of the Victory Gundam in this series, making him the youngest hero in any Gundam series to date.

一句话评论:可恶的战争!。Vicotry-光之翼。【转载】Animage 1994年7月号 庵野秀明x富野由悠季 关于V高达的对谈。扭曲憎恨以及美好希望。Zanscare战争。关于宇宙战争。【转载】《机动战士V高达》DVDBOX发售时,庵野秀明的访谈切片。【转载】正因现在才要讲述!V高达的有趣之处——Animage 1994年5月号 (内有庵野秀明和几原邦彦的评论)。《复国运动》的前身,富野的大怨念。一直没有看,但看了之后非常喜欢看。
