更新:2019-05-17 05:05:56
年份: 2010  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 爱情 家庭  / 豆瓣:7.7分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

浪漫向左,婚姻往右是一部剧情,爱情,家庭片,范晨(范明 饰)是出版社编辑部主任,妻子陈小文(徐帆 饰)是妇产科医生,俩人结婚已十几年,过的也到相安无事。范晨因职业原因常与同事说说笑笑,同时他也想把这种气氛营造到家庭中去,但小文却不买账,特别最近一段时间,她竟怀疑丈夫有外遇,对于妻子捕风捉影的猜疑,范晨哭笑不得。范晓光(王雷 饰)是范晨的弟弟,整日不务正业游手好闲,常从哥哥手中借钱“学雷锋”。为帮弟弟买房结婚,范晨背着小文借钱给晓光,不料被“行侠仗义”的晓光将房款垫付了朋友父亲的住院费,导致范晨与小文的婚姻出现了危机。父亲范毅力(杜源 饰)为挽救儿子的婚姻,卖掉了自已的老房子......

Fan Chen and Chen Xiaowen are facing their second \"seven-year itch\". Fan Chen, director of the Editorial Department of a book publishing house, is an outgoing man with a good sense of humor. He often brings laugh to his colleagues during work. His wife Chen Xiaowen, Chief Physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is extremely rational and strict with everything in her life. Although Fan Chen has tried his best to create a warm romantic atmosphere for them, Xiaowen always seems to be indifferent and particular about his attempts to rekindle their marriage. What's worse, she even doubts if he has an affair with someone else. Fan Xiaoguang, Fan Chen's younger brother, is an idler with a kind heart. He always helps others with the money he borrows from Fan Chen. Once, Fan Chen lends money to Xiaoguang so that he can buy a new apartment and get married. However, Xiaoguang sells his new apartment at a low price for his friend whose father is sick. This leads to a marital crisis between Fan Chen and Xiaowen. Knowing this, Fan Chen's father Fan Yili sells his old house to make up the loss of Xiaowen. Moved by her father-in-law's sincerity, Xiaowen reconciles with Fan Chen. The drama concentrates on urban family and marriage affairs, depicting a vivid story of urban life in a humorous and relaxing style.


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