富贵门(2009) 富貴門/金装豪门 / 金钱诱罪 / Born Rich

更新:2019-06-24 10:06:51
年份: 2009  / 地区: 中国香港 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:6.7分 / IMDB:5.6分
语言:粤语  / 片长:

富贵门是一部剧情片,一起意外事故,让本来是老千的沙富摇身一变,成为了卓家老爷多年在外的私生子卓一鸣(罗嘉良 饰)。卓家的大哥卓一元(吕良伟 饰)是个正直的银行家,对于一鸣的身份从未表示过怀疑。不仅一元对一鸣百般照顾,善于讨人欢心的一鸣还得到了卓家上上下下的喜爱,而这其中包括了卓家的女儿卓一心(袁咏仪 饰)的爱。但碍于与一鸣的这份“兄妹”关系,让一心陷入到了痛苦之中。   一开始只准备在卓家捞一笔钱的富来,渐渐忘记了最初的目的,在一鸣的身份下,贪念在不断膨胀。那些之前未曾享受过的亲情、爱情和权利,让他想要更多的掠夺。而再好的伪装也终究有被揭穿的一天,一鸣和卓家最终会何去何从……

Sophisticated banker CHEUK YAT YUEN (Ray Lui) mistakes con artist SA FU LOI (Gallen Lo) for his half brother CHEUK YAT MING, fortuitously elevating the swindler to one of the leading figures in the banking industry. The lost and found brotherhood has blinded YUEN to FU's real nature and intentions. YUEN is kidnapped overseas by a group of rioters. He undergoes a dramatic personality change after the incident. YUEN's wife HO TSEUK NIN (Jamie Chik) has tried her best to console him but still cannot help him get over the unpleasant experience. Longing for more comfort and support, YUEN gets back with his ex-lover TUNG LING CHI (Kenix Kwok Ho Ying). NIN is heartbroken to learn about the affair and it has left the broken mirror that can't be mended. The identity of CHEUK YAT MING gives FU not only a sense of family warmth but also a sweet taste of romance. He finds himself in love with YUEN's little sister CHEUK YAT SUM (Anita Yuen). SUM is attracted to FU too but thinking that they are true biological siblings, she decides to keep her love under wraps and stays with her long-term admirer KO TOK MAN (Joe Ma) instead. This comes as a huge blow to FU. He is not willing to lose his love, but neither can he reveal his real identity. Caught up in the dilemma between love and money, FU finally chooses the fortune road of no return. It is all about a tough battle for money, a devious triangle of love, and a severe challenge to ethics.

一句话评论:一个香港小三的下场 (转自MISS南)。落幕前的狂欢。富贵终黯淡。差一刹我信地老天荒。。《富贵门》:期待一场实力派的豪门盛宴。《富贵门》:不看戏码,看「回归」。他X的!又是一部TVBL!。有多少OL可以重来。Born Rich。其实我知道是可一不可再。
