全家福(2013)/Family Portrait

更新:2024-05-26 12:05:10
年份: 2013  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 家庭  / 豆瓣:8.3分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:未知 / 片长:

全家福是一部剧情,家庭片,封建王朝消亡,长达半个世纪的战火动乱过后,古老的中华大地总算迎来了久违的和平。新中国建立,让皇城根下最普通的一群人命运发生极大的改变。为人耿直忠厚的王满堂(吴刚 饰)是在旧社会成长起来的手工艺人,凭借一手古建筑修复的绝活,他带领伙伴肩负起为新社会修复古建的革命重任。在小小四合院内,还住着性格泼辣的寡妇刘翠兰(秦海璐 饰)以及有着婉转曲折恋爱故事的周大夫(郝平 饰)。远亲近邻,低头不见抬头见,孩子们一天天长大,生人熟客你来我往,点缀着四合院的春夏秋冬。在随后的反右倾、文化大革命等运动中,小小四合院又如同惊涛骇浪末端的一叶扁舟。   最平凡的一群人,他们见证着祖国的天翻地覆的变化,和转瞬刹那的沧海桑田,用双手书写各自不平凡的人生……

While visiting Hawke's old Vietnam buddy Greg Stewart, Dominic \u0026 Hawke become unwitting pawns in a potentially deadly custody battle between Greg's mother, Martha (June Allyson) and ex-wife Rainey. Rainey refuses to sign over custody of their infant son to Greg, and Mrs. Stewart holds Rainey hostage at their estate until the papers are signed. Even worse, the sinister Sheriff Waldren is on Mrs. Stewart's payroll. When a plane crash kills Greg, Mrs. Stewart realizes she will not be able to gain custody of her grandson, and threatens Rainey. The young mother hides her infant son with Dominic \u0026 Hawke, and Mrs. Stewart orders Waldren to employ any means to get him back. As Hawke tries to get Rainey out of the estate where she is being held captive, Caitlin flies the Airwolf to Dominic's hideout \u0026 stops the crooked sheriff and his men from gaining custody. Mrs. Stewart and her co-conspirators are arrested by U.S. Marshals after Waldren is killed taking on the Airwolf in a World War II fighter.

一句话评论:很久没看到这样 清新的家庭剧。。跟陆遥的《平凡的世界》一样经典的作品。人情味儿里的老北京。冲着吴刚和岳秀清来的,没想到。慢悠悠的全家福。岁月不老,爱情不散。灯盏胡同九号小院。炒冷饭。“全家福”前后24集泾渭分明,应该25集就结束。一部时代大戏。
