永不磨灭的番号(2011)/Designation Forever

更新:2024-05-26 11:05:36
年份: 2011  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 战争  / 豆瓣:8.8分 / IMDB:6.8分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

永不磨灭的番号是一部剧情,战争片,20世纪30年代,帝国主义的铁蹄肆意践踏古老的中华大地,敌人所到之处一片焦土,民不聊生,中华民族到了生死存亡的危急时刻。武义县民兵队长李大本事(黄海波 饰),是一个有些狡黠却一腔热情与赤诚农家汉子,他打仗时候经常不按常理出牌,时不时又耍点儿小聪明,不过他的队伍却在抗击日寇的战争中打出了名气。在这一过程中,他与对头孙成海(李健 饰)由对立到合作,与前国民党军官陈锋(王雷 饰)惺惺相惜。名头越来越响,自然引起日寇的高度关注,这些平凡的中国人与敌人的战争渐次白热化,他们也各自经历着种种生离死别。   而最令李大本事挂心的,莫过于为自己的部队争取到一个光荣的永不磨灭的番号……

Li Chishui is a Militia Captain. In an unexpected delaying action, he goes to the front line and becomes the captain of the battalion in his county. In order to be a good captain, Li Chishui tries everything from enhancing trainings to recruiting new members. Thanks to his efforts, his battalion gradually develops. When Japanese army sweeps the Northern China area, Li Chishui's battalion is assigned to delay an elite troop of over 30,000 Japanese soldiers at all costs so that the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army will have time to transfer. Before he accepts this essential task, Li Chishui makes a request: he wants an official designation for his battalion. After making this request, Li Chishui leads his battalion to the front, devoting their lives to this task. The battalion sticks to the battlefield for several days until they all have nothing to fight with and die in the battle. One month later, the CPC cadre who assigns this task to Li Chishui's battalion returns to this ...

