悲惨世界 少女珂赛特(2007) レ・ミゼラブル 少女コゼット/悲惨世界·少女柯赛特

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:14
年份: 2007  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 动画 历史  / 豆瓣:8.6分 / IMDB:7.7分
语言:日语  / 片长:
悲惨世界 少女珂赛特剧情介绍

悲惨世界 少女珂赛特是一部剧情,动画,历史片,故事发生在十九世纪的法国巴黎,冉阿让(菅原正志 配音)仅仅因为偷窃了一条面包而获得了长达十九年的牢狱之灾。十九年后,冉阿让的刑期终于到头了,然而出狱后却落入了走投无路的境地。善良的主教收留了无家可归的冉阿让,冉阿让却无法抵挡利益的诱惑偷走了主教家的银器。之后主教的所作所为彻底感化了冉阿让,他改名换姓成为了马德兰,走上了崭新的人生之路。   一晃眼多年过去,冉阿让遇见了可怜的将死的妓女芳汀(萩原惠美子 配音),临死前,芳汀将自己年幼的女儿珂赛特(名冢佳织 配音)托付给了冉阿让。之后,一直对冉阿让心存偏见的警长沙威(松山鹰志 配音)再度出现在了冉阿让的面前,发誓一定要让冉阿让再度回到铁窗之后。

The classic novel by Victor Hugo returns to the world of Japanese anime in Nippon Animation's 52-episode adaptation "Les Misérables: Shoujo Cosette". The plot shifts its focus to include the story of Cosette, the illegitimate daughter of Fantine, from her early days with the Thénardiers while her mother works in another town. At the same time, the enigmatic Monsieur Madeleine, who is secretly the ex-convict Jean Valjean, is trying to live an honest life as the beneficent mayor of the same town Fantine works in. Both Valjean and Cosette's lives drastically change as the Thénardiers show their true colors and Inspector Javert arrives in town, posing a potential threat to Madeleine's freedom. This adaptation follows Hugo's story with relative faithfulness, given its young audience, limited running time and moments of artistic license.


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