白色之春(2009) 白い春/白色春天 / 白春 / Shiroi Haru

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:04
年份: 2009  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:8.4分 / IMDB:7.6分
语言:日语  / 片长:

白色之春是一部剧情片,佐仓春男(阿部宽 饰),经过九年的服刑,终于刑满释放。拖着伤腿的佐仓一出监狱就遇到了钱包被偷的事,无奈之下只能靠领取救济过活。经过一番搜寻,当年混帮派的佐仓找到了当初的兄弟,向其打听自己女友高桥真理子(绀野真昼 饰)的情况。原来当年佐仓坐牢就是为了给身患重病的真理子筹钱,因此接受了杀人灭口的委托去换取800万的报酬。佐仓被告知真理子已去世,在去世前和面包店的老板村上康史(远藤宪一 饰)在一起。心情颇为复杂的佐仓找到了村上且赖着不走索要800万,这时遇见了村上的女儿村上幸(大桥望 饰)。   佐仓和村上一家的故事就此开始,小幸成为了佐仓的太阳,为他驱赶严寒,带来快乐。而关于小幸的身世似乎并不如表面上那般……

Haruo is finally released from prison after completing his sentence. With nine years worth of prison gratuities in hand, he stops at a restaurant to enjoy a good meal, but all of his money ends up being stolen. With nothing left, he spends the night at a net cafe, and he manages to look up his old friend from his yakuza days. When Haruo visits the next day, he learns that his old girlfriend Mariko was living with another man, but later died of illness. Haruo, who had committed murder 9 years earlier to earn the money for Mariko's medical treatment, is shocked and angered. He decides to track down that other man, who runs a bakery with his wife and daughter Sachi. Haruo later runs into Sachi at the park, but he has yet to find out the truth about her.

一句话评论:阿部宽演技绝了!。·其實 我從來未曾恨過你·。又见好剧。。。果然春季大心水的还是这一部。不是父亲的父亲。结局遗憾到我了。心痛的距离。我也被豆沙面包治愈了。那个 远远望着的人。白色之春与给父亲的信。
