律政英雄(2001) HERO/英雄 / ヒーロー / Hero

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:58
年份: 2001  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 悬疑  / 豆瓣:8.8分 / IMDB:8.1分
语言:日语  / 片长:

律政英雄是一部剧情,悬疑片,久利生公平(木村拓哉饰),初中退学的不良少年,阴差阳错竟通过了司法部的考试,成为合格的检察官。经常穿着牛仔裤和皮衣,不按规章制度独自一人办事的他被调往东京地检城西支部的刑事部,开始了检察官工作。   在这里,他遇到了雨宫舞子(松隆子饰)事务官。雨宫舞子一直希望自己有朝一日能成为副检察官,所以平日里对上司言听计从。原本她在听说会有一位优秀的检察官调入自己部门而高兴,但当看到不修边幅的久利生,尤其是他破天荒似的办案方式让舞子大吃一惊,与失望之余与他发生了许多冲突。   其实,久利生公平只是按照自己的想法认真地办案,他以自己的方式解开了诸多案件。这也赢得了同事们的认可,与雨宫舞子的爱。

Kohei Kuryu is a former juvenile delinquent who drops out of junior high and goes on to earn a high school equivalent diploma. After passing the law board exams, Kuryu becomes a prosecutor. Not your typical prosecutor, which is quickly seen through the clothes that he wears, Kuryu possesses quick instincts and a kind of cleverness that only someone raised on the streets could have. Maiko Amamiya is a shrewd public prosecutor who has her eyes set on passing the exam to become a deputy prosecutor and tries her best to be noticed by her boss. Kuryu, on the other hand, after earning a reputation for doing top-notch work, is transferred to Amamiya's division, and finally opens his eyes to the possibility of promotion. Unfortunately, his unprecedented work behavior abruptly brings things to a halt. Although earning a reputation as a bad apple, the influence from Kuryu's strong pursuit of justice slowly begins to change things around him. This drama is filled with it all; love, laughs and ...

