少女疑云(1985) 少女に何が起こったか/少女身世之谜

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:55
年份: 1985  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:8.8分 / IMDB:0.0分
演员:小泉今日子 Kyôko Koizumi,辰巳琢郎,风间杜夫,
语言:日语  / 片长:

少女疑云是一部剧情,爱情片,出生于音乐名门的东雪彦(风间杜夫 饰)和女佣野川(市毛良枝 饰)私奔,两人之后有了爱情的结晶小雪(小泉今日子 饰)。然而没过多久,东雪彦和野川就先后去世,沦为孤儿的小雪拿着母亲留下的地址孤身一人前往东京,投奔爷爷。   在音乐学院里,小雪偶然邂逅了名为大津(辰巳琢郎 饰)的男子,虽然大津对小雪并没有什么好印象,但小雪却深深的喜欢上了这个优雅专注的男人。小雪在爷爷家的境遇十分糟糕,爷爷不愿意接受小雪体内流淌的野川的血液,而小雪的姑姑更是因为小雪有可能继承家族财产而对她处处提防。爷爷告诉小雪,如果她能够获得钢琴比赛的冠军,便承认她是家族成员,为此,小雪开始了不懈的努力。

Upon her mother's death, Nogawa Yuki, who grew up in a fishing village in Hokkaido, goes to Tokyo to ascertain her birth secret, and aspires to be a pianist while searching for proof that she is indeed the daughter of the late brilliant pianist, Azuma Yukihiko. The cruel treatment by the Azuma Family who are convinced that she's after their fortune and their burning jealousy once they find out she's a gifted pianist, the fierce battle with Mitsuko, the daughter of the Azuma Family, for the grand prize at the piano competition, the outcome of her romance with Professor Otsu who discovered Yuki and her talent. And who is the mysterious man who supports Yuki from the shadows? A Cinderella story that depicts how an ill-fated young woman finds out the secret of her birth until she finally finds happiness after overcoming various obstacles.

