白色巨塔(2003) 白い巨塔/Shiroi Kyotou / The Ivory Tower

更新:2024-05-26 09:05:00
年份: 2003  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:9.7分 / IMDB:8.9分
语言:日语  / 片长:

白色巨塔是一部剧情片,财前五郎(唐泽寿明 饰)和里见修二(江口洋介 饰)是同期实习的医生,但二者却走上了截然不同的道路。财前凭借高超的个人技术成为了外科部实际上的第一教授。财前的咄咄逼人让即将退休的第一外科教授东真藏(石坂浩二 饰)感到威胁,东教授决定另立他人。因此极具野心的财前寻求其岳父— —财前妇产诊所院长财前又一(西田敏行 饰)和第一内科教授鹈饲(伊武雅刀 饰)的帮助,通过贿赂和拉帮结派,历经波折,最终获得了第一外科教授的职位。而他的同期,第一内科助教里见却是位实事求是,热心研究的学者。二者的不同选择导致了最后不同的命运。位高权重的财前终于到达梦想的高处,却发现不胜寒风,悲剧也因此上演。   本剧改编自山崎丰子的同名巨作。号称“日本国民级小说”。前后经历过五次翻拍,数次被搬上荧屏。内容直指医院的黑暗面,时隔多年,依旧具有现实意义。

An striking drama of the amazingly gifted surgeon Goro Zaizen, caught up by his desire for power and fame, and his contemporary surgeon Shuji Satomi, who selflessly continues a quest to save human lives.This serious drama depicts the lives of these two contrasting personalities and the people around them.The Great White Tower returns again to the television screen for the first time in 25 years. The Great White Tower is the title of a representative novel by Toyoko Yamazaki that depicts the hidden side of the medical world and the dignity of human life, thus shocking and moving many readers, marking a milestone in medical dramas.A dense human drama develops starting with the first half, which depicts the tragicomic circumstances arising from human ambition in the selection of professors, and proceeding to the second half, which inquires into the dignity of human life through a medical court case involving a malpractice suit.

