仁医(2012) 닥터 진/时空侠医 / 타임슬립 닥터진 / Time Slip Dr. Jin / Dr. Jin

更新:2024-05-26 08:05:29
年份: 2012  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:剧情 古装  / 豆瓣:6.0分 / IMDB:7.3分
语言:韩语  / 片长:

仁医是一部剧情,古装片,陈赫出生于医学世家,是医术精湛的外科医生,手术成功率高达100%,其女友也同为一名医生。陈赫由于意外穿越回150年前的李氏朝鲜,遇到了日后的政治名人兴宣大院君、最高武士金景卓及同现代女友面容几乎一模一样的洪英莱……   精湛的医术改变着古人的命运,使自己卷入了历史的波涛,而陈赫也在其中认识了自己的人生……

Dr. Jin, the top surgeon in Korea in the 21st century, finds himself transported to the year 1860 in the Joseon kingdom. How does he treat patients without state-of-the-art medical equipment and only armed with knowledge of modern medicine? There is no medical equipment or medicine in the kingdom but he has to somehow find a way to treat ill patients. Time traveler Dr. Jin is a medical drama with actual doctors advising the drama production. To save lives, Dr. Jin resorts to building his own medical instruments and developing medicine to remake himself into a better doctor.

一句话评论:日韩版本完全没有可比性。看看泡菜是如何被岛国KO的。完全侮辱了仁医,请问你的仁在那里???就是那些所谓的整容帅哥???。忍不住来打个三星。看完日版再看韩版是作死!。不比试真不知道啊。。装得了忧郁,也演得了贱人,这才叫演技,宋OPA, 你真的还差得远呀。为什么写这些。期望太高,难免失望(完结感言)。这部剧的特效化妆。

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www.tskscn.com(Dr.JIN仁医) 0.3 GB
[仁医][Dr.Jin][预告][YYeTs_韩剧精灵].mkv 0.0 GB
www.tskscn.com(Dr.JIN仁医)MKV高清版 0.8 GB
www.tskscn.com(Dr.JIN仁医) 0.3 GB
www.tskscn.com(Dr.JIN仁医) 0.3 GB
仁医2 完结篇 2.8 GB
www.tskscn.com(Dr.JIN仁医) 0.3 GB
韩版仁医 20.5 GB
仁医全集.zip 5.1 GB