面包王金卓求(2010) 제빵왕 김탁구/面包大王

更新:2024-05-26 12:05:14
年份: 2010  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:未知 / 豆瓣:7.1分 / IMDB:8.3分
语言:韩语  / 片长:

面包王金卓求是一部片,名门望族巨星家族会长具日中(金光烈饰)白手起家创办了巨城面包集团。然而事业如日中天的他却与妻子徐仁淑(钱忍和饰)维持着一段没有爱情的婚姻。具日中与家庭护士金美顺(全美善饰)互生情愫,产下一子金卓求。得知此事的徐仁淑要求秘书长韩胜载(郑成模饰)处理此事,从此两母子被赶出门过上了逃亡流浪的生活。而徐仁淑更与韩胜载私通产下一子具马俊,并谎称是与具日中所生。   长大成人的金卓求(尹施允饰)一直过着颠沛流离的生活,但他却天生有着超强的嗅觉,拥有烘烤蛋糕的惊人天分。与金卓求两小无猜的申幼京(柳真饰)是他的初恋女友,却因为多层压力两人自小便分开了。由于金卓求的才华,他被八峰老师赏识并收为弟子,并得到老师家孙女梁美顺(李英雅饰)的默默暗恋。然而此时申幼京突然现身,她为了报复曾受过的羞辱而嫁给了自己并不爱的具马俊(朱元饰)。

"Bread, Love and Dreams" covers the life of Kim Tak-Gu from the 1970's until the late 1980's as he becomes one of the most successful bakers in all of Korea. The president of Geosung baking company Koo Il-joong (Jeon Kwang-Leol) loved Kim Mi-soon (Jeon Mi-Seon), but Koo Il-joong's mother was against their relationship. Because of this, and as a marriage of convenience, Koo Il-Joong instead married Suh In-sook (Jeon In-Hwa). They had two daughters, Ja-kyung and Ja-rim, but no sons. Sometime later, Il-joong has an extra-marital affair with his true love Mi-Soon and they conceive a son, who will later be named Tak-gu. Meanwhile, In-sook is afraid that Tak-gu may one day become the heir to the Geosung baking company, In-Sook then seduces the company's Chief Secretary Han Seung-jae (Jeong Seong-Mo) and they conceive a son who will later be named Ma-joon (Ju Won). Years later, on a rainy evening, Koo Il-joong's mother overhears a conversation between Han Seung-Jae and In-sook. She collapses and dies. During this time In-sook loses her bracelet and her son Ma-joon is there to retrieve it. Ma-Joon now knows who his real father is. Meanwhile to protect Kim Mi-Soon and Tak-gu, Koo Il-Joong orders a man named Jin-Goo (Park Seong-Woong) to kidnap them. Seo In-Suk and Han Seung-Jae attempts to kill Tak-gu, but he is fortunate enough to escape. Tak-gu then meets his lifelong mentor Pal-Bong (Jang Hang-Seon) , who runs Palbong Bakery. Tak-gu first met Yoo-kyung (Yu Jin) when they were children. She lived through a difficult childhood, with an abusive father and having little money. Yoo-kyung learned to smile for the first time when they met, but when Tak-gu goes to Koo Il-joong's house as the first son they separated. 12 years later they meet again and their love is rekindled. Nevertheless, Yoo-kyung now believes that love is nothing when compared to money and power and because of this she leaves Tak-gu to marry Ma-joon instead.

