尚道,上学去(2003) 상두야 학교가자/尚道,上学啦 / 尚道,我们上学去

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:34
年份: 2003  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:爱情  / 豆瓣:7.2分 / IMDB:7.9分
语言:韩语  / 片长:

尚道,上学去是一部爱情片,尚道(郑智薰 饰)从小就失去了父母成为了孤儿,叔叔将他遗弃在了一户富贵人家门口,自此,尚道被善良的养父母收留,并结识了初恋情人银欢(孔孝真 饰)。尚道和银欢之间的感情纯洁无暇,然而一场意外的发生却让他们分隔两地再无联系,尚道更是身陷囹圄,当他出狱之时,发现自己已经失去了一切。   之后,尚道结识了名为莎拉(洪秀贤 饰)的女子,莎拉爱上了正直的尚道,她谎称自己和尚道有了孩子,尚道因此开始为一家人的生计奔波。某日,尚道意外的同银欢重逢了,此时的银欢已经成为了一名老师。尚道内心里对银欢的感情死灰复燃,遂对其展开了热烈的追求。

International singer/actor, Jung Ji Hoon (Runaway: Plan B), more commonly known as Rain, stars in Sang Doo, Let's Go to School one of his first dramas. Joining him is Gong Hyo Jin (Pasta) who is renowned as one of the queens of romantic comedies. The chemistry of these two stars sparks in this unique love story that tells the unfortunate tale of Cha Sang Doo and his long lost childhood love, Chae Eun Hwan. Dealing with such problems as wrongful imprisonment, single fatherhood, and enrolling in high school as an adult, Sang Doo is a man with many problems, trying to make ends meet. Sang Doo and Eun Hwan spent their childhood as the best of friends, but after an unfortunate accident, Sang Doo was separated from his love. Years later, in order to take care of his sick daughter, Sang Doo becomes a gigolo to pay the medical bills. By chance, he finds Eun Hwan, who is now working as a high school math teacher. In an attempt to regain her love, Sang Doo re-enrolls in hopes of winning her ...


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