这该死的爱(2005) 이 죽일 놈의 사랑/I jukilnomui sarang

更新:2024-05-26 12:05:00
年份: 2005  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.1分 / IMDB:7.8分
语言:韩语  / 片长:

这该死的爱是一部剧情,爱情片,姜福玖(RAIN饰)是一名拳击手,有着极其矛盾而自闭的性格,凌人的气势中掺杂着冷漠与不羁。在福玖身边,有一个用尽青春守护他十年的女孩韩妲静(金莎朗饰)。妲静还曾舍命救过福玖却留下严重的伤疤,因而福玖甘愿用一生来报答她。   但在福玖的心中,还有另一个他最在乎的男人,那就是他的哥哥姜民玖。福玖与分别10年之久的哥哥终于相聚,却在还未充分享受亲人团圆带来的喜悦时,就眼睁睁地看着哥哥从高楼上跳下来成了植物人。福玖故意找机会接近他认为迫害哥哥的直接凶手--哥哥的前女友车恩熙(申敏儿饰),成了她的私人贴身跟班,但却在二人的朝夕相处中,爱上了这个其实单纯善良的女生。   爱情本该是属于两个人的简单纯粹的美好,在这部剧里却被掺进了太多纠葛,亲情、爱情的抉择,责任与真爱的交错……到底最后,面对这该死的爱情,主人公该何去何从。

Bokgu, the orphaned son of an abusive mobster, who idolizes the older brother who raised him. Believing that famous actress Cha Eunsuk abandoned his brother and caused the attempted suicide that left his brother hospitalized in a coma, Bokgu plots his revenge, landing a job as Eunsuk's bodyguard in order to try to seduce her, destroy her reputation and her career. Bokgu is bound by both guilt and affection to Han Dajung a childhood friend who pulled him from a fire and saved his life, but was burned and left with permanent scars. He stays with her in a life he despises, as strong-arm man for her loan shark business. As Bokgu exacts his revenge on Eunsuk, he is torn between his growing feelings for her and his sense of obligation to Dajung, between his duty to avenge his brother and the increasing uncertainty that his revenge is justified. His external actions contrast with his inner turmoil and, finally, he is filled with self-loathing at his revenge's successful result.

