更新:2019-05-09 10:05:48
年份: 2000  / 地区: 英国 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:9.2分 / IMDB:8.0分
语言:英语  / 片长:
英版同志亦凡人 第二季剧情介绍

英版同志亦凡人 第二季是一部剧情片,Two gay friends, Vince and Stuart, live on a cocktail of sex, drugs and clubbing. They are both 29, and Stuart is the type of guy who cops off every time he goes out. One night, he spots 15-year-old Nathan, and brings him back to his apartment where they make love. Now, Nathan is still after Stuart, but Stuart just thinks of Nathan as one in a long line of one night stands.

Nathan returns from London to live back with Janice. Each is now more understanding of the other and they enjoy laughing at his line in camp boyfriends though Christian is still giving him trouble at school. Vince has broken up with Cameron and is going for promotion at work. Hazel is nonetheless disapproving of the hold that Stuart has on him,especially when they all attend Vince's half-sister's wedding and Stuart gets Vince to do a slow dance with him to prove a point. Alexander also attends. His father is dying following a stroke but his parents cast him out on the discovery that he was gay and he feels there can be no reconciliation. Stuart's young nephew Thomas discovers his gay websites and threatens to out him unless he gives him money. Inevitably Stuart's reaction is to out himself to his now reconciled parents and as wordily as possible like the drama queen he is. His father is not approving and asks him to stay away from an upcoming family gathering. His mother however is much comforted after being counselled by Hazel and Janice.

一句话评论:Phil said that u were saving me for ur old age.。同志非凡人。时光的背后——Queer as folk影评。Queer as Folk。Stuart是Vince现实版的Doctor。伟大的·永恒的-去你妈的QUEER~AS~FOLK。我穿过人山人海所幸回头还能看到你。。情深谊长 人们对于真爱往往更难以启齿。浪漫至死。我们心中的成长故事。

英版同志亦凡人 第二季剧照
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