靓丽人生 第二季(2009) Beautiful People/美丽人生 第二季

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:48
年份: 2009  / 地区: 英国 
类型:喜剧  / 豆瓣:9.3分 / IMDB:7.7分
演员:卢克·瓦德-维尔金森,莱顿·威廉姆斯,塞缪尔·巴奈特 Sam
语言:英语  / 片长:
靓丽人生 第二季剧情介绍

靓丽人生 第二季是一部喜剧片,2009年11月靓丽人生第二季强势回归!BBC在1台、4台、有线台滚动播出第二季。曾写出“Beautiful Thing”的Jonathan Harvey一如既往的展示了可与“威尔与格蕾丝”媲美的笑匠功力。   值得一提的是,新一季将不再出现纽约。Jonathan表示,他希望靓丽人生更加本土化,于是砍掉了成年Simon与男友的感情关系。一开始观众就将看到 Simon收拾行装搭乘回雷丁的飞机,接下来将会出现两个雷丁:Simon记忆中的雷丁(1998年)和现实中的雷丁(2009年)。他将和父母再次建立纽带。不知道在疯狂基因下这个妙趣横生的家庭又会酝酿什么爆笑话题。

Returning to Reading after boyfriend Sasha has dumped him Simon recalls how, when he undertook to compile a family tree as a school project, he discovered that his parents never actually got married and the 'wedding photo' was a doctored version of Princess Diana's wedding shoot. The truth was that both parents inadvertently stood the other up but they decide they will finally make it legal and Simon has designed a bridal gown for his mother to put Princess Diana's to shame. After the wedding sister Ashlene announces that she too is an unmarried mother and Aunty Hayley accidentally gets into bed with the groom.

一句话评论:BBC的都是宝~。Take a beautiful dream and let it show。

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